Sunday 13 October 2013

I Am Currently Begging Nigerian Artists To Collaborate With Me, Since They Have Passed My Level- Maheeda

You might not know her as a singer, at least some of you have seen her nude pics here and there on socialmedia. When Bella Naija asked the singer if she will be collaborating with any Nigerian musician in the near future, she said:
Hopefully, I will be collaborating with a few musicians in the near future. I am currently begging a lot of them now. Since they have now passed my level, I want them to pull me up to theirs but them never answer me yet. Let’s see how the Nigerian music industry supports their own. At the end of the day though, if they don’t support me, I guess it’s just between me and my God then. And, my God is one who makes a way where it seems to be no way.
Read more from the interview below:
From how many pictures you put up daily, you really seem to love Instagram. What is it about the social media website that you connect to?
It is just really easy to use and fun. It’s also the best way to show off.
Some of your new Instagram photos and videos have become trending topics in online Nigerian circles. How do you handle this new popularity?
Popularity? (laughs). Honestly, I didn’t see it coming but I took it how it came. I have learnt that if life gives u lemons, you make lemonade.
Since you dropped your first Gospel single, “Hallelujah” back in 2012, we haven’t heard any other Gospel songs from you. Why the decision to go back to secular music?
Like I said, I never specified that I was a secular artist nor did I say I was a Gospel artist. I choose to take the best of both worlds and put it in my music. If I want to thank God for his mercies, I will. And, also, if I want to tell you that I love sex, I will.
Since you got married last year, you’ve moved to Holland with your family. How has it been living there and what do you miss most about Nigeria?
Life in Holland is great. Apart from marrying a millionaire, the government has really made life easy for us here. So, honestly, I can say that I miss nothing about living back in Nigeria.
With a lot of your raunchy and suggestive new photos and videos out circulating, criticisms have arisen that you returned to your life as a street hustler. How does this make you feel? And, what do you have to say to your critics? How do you handle the criticism you receive on social media?
I’ll just keep this simple. It’s normal for people to want to criticize. At least, I am being educated here in Europe on what show business is and how to succeed in it. That’s all I have to say.
You have shared a few new photos and videos of your daughter on your Instagram page. She has really grown into a big girl. How old is your daughter now?
She is now thirteen years old.

With a young daughter, do you feel that your ‘sexy propaganda’ might be teaching her to do the same? How would you feel if your daughter started putting up semi-nude photos on her own Instagram page?
My daughter is thirteen years old and well- trained. Schools in Europe teach sex education. They teach them what to do as a teenager and they also teach them what not to do. At home as well, I put more light into what the school has taught her. My daughter knows her limits and I am a happy mum. Some pastors’ kids end up always being in clubs and it’s by their choice. One thing I’ll just say is that children will make choices. We, as parents, can only pray that they make good ones. 

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