Saturday 11 May 2013

Tom Hanks is America's Most Trusted Dude

Hollywood types are almost never known for being 100% above the line, but there's one guy who's managed to navigate show business for more than 30 years without turning himself into rag mag material, stinting it at Betty Ford or joining the celeb mug shot brigade: Tom Hanks.
So, it's hardly any surprise that Reader's Digesthas now pegged him as America's poster child for trustworthiness.
Somehow, Tom Hanks has managed to live a rather ordinary (albeit still pretty glam) life while doubling as so many others over the past three decades. In fact, he and wife Rita Wilson just celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. That's like a century and a half in Tinsel Town years.
Do we smell a political transition brewing with this news? Hanks has had a lot of experience playing the game on-screen. We'll see!
Also ranked among the top 10 on the list are Sandra Bullock, Denzel Washington, Meryl Streep, Steven Spielberg and Julia Roberts. Nice little group they've assembled there ... which is probably the point. They're like the Avengers of niceness.
Anyway, we should note that Tom Hanks is not just a trustworthy chap and devoted husband; he's also got some other admirable qualities going on, you know, apart from being a back-to-back Oscar-winner actor and all.
For starters, he definitely knows the rules.

And he has a certain finesse for stating the obvious.

And let's not forget, he's pretty badass when duty calls.

There's also the matter of him raising one of the few Hollywood kids to ever actually get it.

And, let's face it, he's that very playful brand of hilarious.

And he's clearly a technological wizard.

And he really does seem like a nice guy. We trust him.


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