Sunday, 7 October 2012

[marriagerestoration] "...Is There Anything Too Hard For God?" Oct. 6, 2012 - Doreen's Daily Delights


"...Is There Anything Too Hard For Me?" (Jeremiah 32:27).

Why would God ask a question such as this? Would He ask it of us in
this day and age? Would He point His finger directly at you or me and
ask if we, personally, thought this of Him?

Do you think it's a hard thing for God to restore your marriage? Do
you think it's hard for God because your spouse has moved to another
country? Is GOD able to resurrect?

If God has promised you restoration then He is able to heal and
restore your marriage, and so much more. A resurrection has to
happen before a restoration can take place. "...Is anything too hard
for God?" (Jeremiah 32:27).

We need to stop doubting GOD. GOD is GOD and there is nothing hard
for Him to do. I repeat, there is NOTHING HARD FOR HIM TO DO! My
friends, it is GOD we are dealing with.

In my Ministry I have come across many people who are trusting the
Lord for healing and restoration in spite of the negative
circumstances that surround them. They are trying to do what they
hear the Lord saying to them. And then there are others who seem to
always be doubting the Lord. We see people who just cannot put
themselves in His caring Hands and trust Him.

How do we show we doubt Him? How about when we go talk to a neighbor
about our situation instead of going right to the Lord? We need to
allow God to do this for us. We need to get down on our knees and
plead for wisdom from God. We will often do what our neighbor
advises us to do (Remember worldly counsel?), but will we do what God
tells us? When we do this, are we really saying that we just don't
believe that God is able to help?

Perhaps, before you came to know the Lord, when you were miserable,
you didn't think God could help you. Then, in some miraculous way, He
brought you to Himself, and you believed. How many of us have now
lost that first trust and belief, and are now doubting that He can
help us - again? How many of us will constantly rely on other sources
to solve our problems, but won't take time to pray to our Heavenly
Father about our situation?

Remember, dear friends, there is NOTHING the Lord is not able, or
wanting, to help you with. He wants your marriage healed and
restored more than you do!

"Ah, Lord God, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great
power. Nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing, nothing is too difficult
for thee."

If you, today, reading this Devotional, are still doubting that God
can and will heal your hurting marriage, please consider these words
from God, Himself. "...Is there anything too hard for Me?" The
answer is in the words of Jesus, Himself. "With God, all things are
possible." (John 19:26). Also, if you still doubt, remember this,
one of the most inspirational quotes from Jesus, Himself, in the

"And whatever you ask in My Name, I will do, so that the Father may
be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything of me in My Name, I
will do it." (John 14:13-14).

Be encouraged

Pastor Doreen
2778 NW 193 Terr. Miami, FL 33056

Please prayerfully consider supporting this ministry by planting a
financial seed so we can continue to help the hurting. Remember, God
is no man's debtor. In order to reap, we must sow. May God bless

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Telephone Counseling: Licensed Marriage Counselor. In addition to daily encouragement, I also offer telephone counseling in order to help support the Ministry. I do not charge a fee, but a donation to the Ministry would be appreciated.

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