Remain Steadfast In Faith!
"Whom (the devil) resist steadfast in the faith..." (1 Pet. 5:8).
You are to resist the devil by remaining steadfast (firm, persistent,
immovable, determined, committed, faithful) IN SPITE OF ALL THE
The enemy will NOT devour you as long as you are walking by faith. Therefore, it can be concluded that the enemy is aware when you are walking by faith and not by sight. Be advised that the devil knows. He listens first to your testimony.
Speak positive things about your situation. Walk by faith and not by sight. The devil listens to every word that comes out of our mouth and can use these words against us. Therefore, we need to speak life into our marriage. There is life and death in the power of the tongue.
According to your testimony, you can speak life in your marriage as
well as death.
Remember, Revelation 12:11 says that we overcome the devil "by the
blood of the Lamb and by the word of..." your testimony. The devil
listens for the 'words' of your testimony and any opening that you
give him.
Your negative words or confession are contrary to the Word of God. He
hears it and (devil) POUNCES right on you. When he sees your
demonstration of faith with your confession of faith he can only TEMPT
you to walk by sight by suggestions of fear which will grow into
Let's remain steadfast today in spite of the negative things we may
see or hear. Let's speak life into our marriage. The enemy is
listening to every word we speak.
As such, we need to remain steadfast, immovable, unshaken, persistent,
determined, firm, committed, and faithful to our task. Let us not be
Our God has already seen our marriage healed and restored. We need
to hold fast and believe and have faith that our marriage will be
healed and restored in spite of the many trials that are facing us.
I ask you again, is anything too hard for God?
Remain steadfast,
Be encouraged
Pastor Doreen
2778 NW 193 Terr. Miami, FL 33056
Telephone Counseling: Licensed Marriage Counselor. In addition to daily encouragement, I also offer telephone counseling in order to help support the Ministry. I do not charge a fee, but a donation to the Ministry would be appreciated.
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