Thursday 11 October 2018

PAP :Charles Dokubo Forces Amnesty Beneficiaries To Sign...

PAP :Charles Dokubo Forces Amnesty Beneficiaries To Sign Non-Payment Of Stipends

Having been appointed on March 13th 2018, we all thought everything will change for better. Little did we know that the situation of over 2000 beneficiaries/students will accelerate from bad to worst as against what you were appointed for which is “CHANGE”

    Sir, with due respect it is inhuman for your administration as the Presidential Amnesty coordinator to ignore and abandon the welfare as well as the stipulated monthly stipends accrue to students who have been dispatched to various private universities across the nation for almost eight (8) months.

It is so pathetic to see a document emanates from your office to various universities
demanding Amnesty Beneficiaries to illegally consent to non-payment of monthly allowances as well as textbook allowances.

Sir, I hereby humbly quote the Amnesty agreement of the Federal Government of Nigeria and the said amnesty beneficiaries:

(1) beneficiaries are to be dispatched to various universities 

(2) Tuition fees of beneficiaries is to be paid by the amnesty office under the auspices of the Federal government of Nigeria 

(3) beneficiaries are to receive in-training allowance of N70,000 per month

(4) beneficiaries are to receive N40,000 per semester for textbook expenses.

    We therefore wish to call on the attention of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, the Legislation, the Judiciary Arm of Government and well meaning sons and daughters of this great nation to this unfair, inhuman and injustice act by the Presidential Amnesty Programme Coordinator, Prof Charles Dokubo Quakers towards beneficiaries of the Amnesty Programme 

Attached is the document sent to beneficiaries in various universities by the Amnesty Office in form of oppression/intimidation after the office has refused to pay the any money since they were dispatched to various universities for over eight months (8months) now.

Sir, for sure we are fully aware that the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Muhammadu Buhari, who is a true symbol of democracy will see that the Niger Delta agitation as well as the Amnesty Programme go smoothly as initiated by Fmr. President Yaradua with all stipends fully paid in all areas of the Amnesty Programme. We are therefore sad and surprise to ask if Mr President is aware of the new development which your administration recently introduced, or is it a sole decision from your office as a special adviser to the president on Amnesty?

    We are quite surprised that Mr President who so much believe in education, which for sure is the only means to shun violence and negative agitations will assent or give a nod to this new development from the Amnesty Office to bridge as well as destroy the stipulated agreement of the programme by subjecting students  to suffering where the Amnesty Office is bringing forth a letter in form of AFFIDAVIT to be illegally sworn to by students of the Amnesty Programme to deprive them of their stipulated monthly stipends. These are students who are already going through various forms of hardship because your office have refused to be responsible to its duty.

At this juncture we wish to ask the amnesty office the following questions:

(1) what has been happening to the budgeted amnesty funds for students since your resumption in office?

(2) Is the federal government indirectly asking us to go back to our agitations with arms due to the fact that it can not keep to it’s original agreement?

(3) Is the amnesty funds for students been siphoned by some individuals?

(4) Where does the amnesty office of Mr Dukobo or the federal government of Nigeria expect beneficiaries to raise money with which they will afford the textbooks of the various expensive universities as well as other miscellaneous expenses outside the tuition fees?

(5) Is it proper to dispatched amnesty beneficiaries to various institutions and not pay them their monthly stipends? 

Sir, this is our stands;

* We will not attest to, nor sign any document as AFFIDAVIT to give permission of the withdrawal of our monthly stipends which are duly accrued to us as beneficiaries as enshrined in the amnesty agreement

* On no circumstances will any amnesty beneficiary/students of the various tertiary institutions be forced to sign any documents against our will illegally 

* If the amnesty office under supervision of Prof Charles Dokubo wishes withdraw or put an halt to the said monthly stipends, then it will be advisable for the Amnesty Office as well as the Federal Government of Nigeria to fully nullify/put an end to the Amnesty programme in totality.

By this letter, we are also calling on all amnesty beneficiaries who have received this evil document by the amnesty office and those universities who are yet to receive to please ignore and do not give consent to it no matter the intimidation. In unity and one voice we shall stand and fight against this injustice and oppression been melted against us by the amnesty boss whom we thought has come to change the bad situation to good but unfortunately everything is more worst than it was upon his arrival as non of the beneficiaries from the amnesty programme has ever witness such wickedness from its inception.

Concern Students.
Cc:Professor Charles Dokubo Quakers
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