D’banj is really taking his agriculture cause and UN Ambassador for Peace title very seriously! Today, he is one of the presenters at TEDxWBG in Washington, DC.
The theme of TEDxWBG is “Ending Poverty“. According to the official event description;
The challenge of ending poverty is huge, but with courage, ingenuity, vision and purpose, the goal is within reach. In a tightly choreographed 3.5 hours, TEDxWBG will bring together thinkers and leaders from the worlds of business, art, and technology to share experiences and ideas worth spreading across the world.
This first TEDxWBG will explore the theme of “Ending Poverty” from multiple viewpoints in three distinct but related sessions.
Session 1: “Reaching the Excluded”
Session 2: “Scaling up for Impact”
Session 3: “Transformation and Innovation”
Other presenters include Jim Yong Kim – President, World Bank Group andEleni Gabre-Madhin – Co-founder and CEO, eleni LLC.
You can watch TEDxWBG live online via Webcast HERE. The event starts at 8.30AM Eastern Daylight Time.
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