With a net worth of $150 Million, Bishop David Oyedepo, who is the founder of the Living Faith World Outreach Ministry, is the world’s richest pastor, according to US wesbite, richestlifestyle.com. The publication describes him as “a prosperous pastor who owns private jets and homes in the US and the UK.”
Check out the full top 10 list:
10. Joseph Prince – Net worth: $5 Million (Singapore)
8. Chris Okotie – Net worth: $10 Million (Nigeria)
8. Matthew Ashimolowo – Net worth: $10 Million (Nigeria)
7. T.B. Joshua – Net worth: $15 Million (Nigeria)
6. T. D. Jakes – Net worth: $18 Million (United States)
5. Billy Graham – Net worth: $25 Million (United States)
4. Creflo Dollar – Net worth: $27 Million (United States)
3. Benny Hinn – Net worth: $42 Million (United States)
2. Chris Oyakhilome – Net worth: $50 Million (Nigeria)
1. David Oyedepo – Net worth: $150 Million (Nigeria)
Five out of 10 of these pastors are Nigerians! Amazing.
What are these pastors doing?
Are they preaching about the word of God or the Wealth of God?
What did the scripture say about Riches and Rich men?
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