Sunday, 28 September 2014

Today's Motivation ...!

Les Brown

Fall in love again…with your life and your dream. Take time to appreciate the brilliance, beauty, and magnificence of your own life. Never forget that you are an unrepeatable miracle! Great things are supposed to happen to you and through you. Care for yourself and nurture your vitality, energy and life force.

Silence your own unforgiving spirit and extreme self-criticism, that can steal your joy, harm your health and stunt your personal growth. Give up microwaved solutions to challenges and shortcuts to success. You can’t pull up a plant up from its roots to make it grow. The things that really matter in life take purposeful planning, time, love and care. Do your work, stay the course, live in the present and love yourself even more than you have in the past. You have GREATNESS within you!!

Brian Tracy

One of the best ways to stop procrastinating, is by working as though you only had one day to get your most important jobs done before you left for a month or went on vacation... I actually use this trick from time to time!

Tony Robbins

“You can constantly innovate your business, but you have to do it in a way that’s beneficial to the client but still allows you to be profitable.”

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