Tuesday 26 February 2013

[marriagerestoration] Delight In The Lord - FEB 26th, 2013 - Doreen's Daily Delightsþ


"...Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) also in Him and He will bring it to pass..." - Psalm 37-4-5.

This is a sure promise from the Lord. God is not a liar. We will receive the desires of our hearts, yes we will, if we delight ourselves in Him. Question: What are your desires today? Do you want to receive the desires of your heart? Then you and I must delight in the Lord.

Delighting ourselves in the Lord to me means to live in obedience and commitment to Him, to commune with Him and enjoy His presence. He will give us the desires of our heart – for then the desires of our heart will be His desires for us. What we desire should be what the Lord desires, and God will bring it to pass as we commit our way to Him and trust in Him.

Whatever desire God has placed within your heart – keep trusting in Him and committing it to the Lord, for in time He will bring it to pass.

I want you to know that nothing is hard for the Lord. If you have asked the Lord for a breakthrough in your home, He is able to bring about a breakthrough, because nothing is hard for the Lord, and He will hold true to His promise.

The Bible says, if we delight ourselves in the Lord, He WILL give us the desires of our heart. I want you to hold strong to this promise and never let it go. I want you to continue to delight yourself in the Lord, SO He will give you your desires (healing in your marriage, finalcial breakthrough, healing in your body, etc. God is able to give you much much more than you can ask or think. Prove God because He CANNOT lie.

Many are delighting in Him and they are receiving the desires of their hearts. We may not be hearing many testimonies of healing and restoration, but that does not mean God is not granting the hearts' desires of many. God is working night on day on behalf of His people. Of a fact, many are receiving breakthoughs, but are not willing to share their testimonies. God is working people, God is working.


Lord Jesus Christ eternal God our Father, I intercede on behalf of Your people today and I say no more will they feel defeated in their situation. Where there is sorrow, bring joy. Where there is hopelessness, bring hope and healing.

I ask of You Lord to bring about deliverance to those who have gone astray. Bring them home Lord. Bring them back from the north, the south, east and the west. Bring them home from the far corners of the earth. Let not one of them be lost Lord.

Lord I awaken every dead circumstances right now in the lives of Your people. Where there is death and defeat in these circumstances, I speak life. I awaken every gift you have placed in Your people. Where there is a broken spirit, I command there to be healing and restoration. Where there is tears of pain, I command them to become tears of joy.

Lord, as Your people delight in You, grant them speedily, the desires of their hearts. Lord give Your people strength to make it, because when they are weak, You are strong. I speak victory, deliverance, healing, and prosperity into the lives of Your people.

And satan I have a special mesage for you: I command you in the name of Jesus, to pack up and leave right now. I serve immediate eviction notice upon you. No more will you run rough shod over God's people. The blood of Jesus is against you right now. Satan you are defeated. No more will you sit at the head of their tables. You are being served eviction notice and this is not a 3 day notice, leave NOW, in Jesus name. You can leave willingly or we will force you out in the name of Jesus. You have to go and I cause everything in their lives to line up in God's perfect order.

Lord do it now, by Your power, let Your power rule in their lives. Lord show Yourself strong. And we shall praise You. We shall shout the victory. The devil is defeated and in his proper place. We place him under our feet right now and we hold him in place by your spirit. We claim it right now. Victory in Jesus' name. Amen.

Please consider giving a one time financial gift to the ministry today!!!

Be encouraged
Pastor Doreen
2778 NW 193 Terrace, Miami Gardens, FL 33056

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Telephone Counseling: Licensed Marriage Counselor. In addition to daily encouragement, I also offer telephone counseling in order to help support the Ministry. I do not charge a fee, but a donation to the Ministry would be appreciated.

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