Saturday 9 February 2013

Facebook Saves the Day!!!!

 Hila Ben-Baruch of Tel Aviv, Israel legally parked on the street near her apartment and was surprised when her car had been towed and a newly painted handicap sign had appeared. She parked on that street for nearly half a year, and knew that it was a legal spot just hours earlier. After a call to city officials yielded no results, Ben-Baruch found that there were security cameras facing the parking spot with video proving her account: City workers painted a handicapped designation right around her parked car. Ben-Baruch posted the video to Facebook and the immediate attention (currently over 21 thousand shares) caused the Tel Aviv Mayor
and Deputy Mayor to apologize for the mistake. Ben-Baruch’s car was released and all fines were waived. Over in Naples, Italy a driver in a tiny white car attempted to make a U-turn, but maneuvering the narrow street proved too difficult for the driver and it triggered a traffic pileup of cartoonish proportions. First drivers trying to pass got blocked and laid on their horns, then motorcyclists got jammed in the street, and then as drivers got frustrated and emerged from their cars to yell at the source of the traffic, a church procession marched down the same road. Eventually the driver of the white car was able to drive away to cheers of the other motorists. It’s hard to believe this incident wasn’t staged, but either way, we join the motorists with shouts of “Bravo!” Finally, on local shores in San Diego, California, a 70-year-old driver became disoriented and hit the accelerator, launching his car precariously over a stairwell. Fortunately serious injury was avoided.


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