Saturday 12 January 2013

[marriagerestoration] Relying On And Trusting in God!! Jan. 11, 2013 - Doreen's Daily Delights


Relying On And Trusting in God!!

2 Chron. 16:8 "Were not the Ethiopians and the Lubims a huge host,
with very many chariots and horsemen? yet, because thou didst rely on
the LORD, he delivered them into thine hand."

God asks us not to rely on our human reasonings, but to have faith in
His promises, believing that we've received the help we've asked for.
Trust is fully relying in the only One who can solve our problems.
The Only One who can make a crooked path straight. The Only One who
can open every closed doors. The Only One who can tear down and
remove each and every obstacle and barrier in our way. The Only One
who can win each and every battle.

Reliance requires trust. Before we can fully rely on God we have to
fully trust Him. Nothing or no one should keep us from fully relying
on God. Letting go and let God have His way in our situation.
One of the purposes of the wilderness experience of the Israelites
was their re-education in the ways of God. They needed the time to
learn again about God and His expectations of them. Separated and cut
off from the rest of the world, the Israelite's classroom was the

When you're in a situation that appears hopeless, remember God's
faithfulness from the past and you'll begin to rise out of that
circumstance while trusting God for the victory. Genuine faith
believes that God is able to turn your situation around.

The Scriptures tell us that it is far better to trust in the Lord
than to rely upon anything else. We cannot trust in ourselves. We
cannot put our trust in man; and we certainly cannot rely upon our
own understanding. In all our ways we must acknowledge Him, and He
shall bring things to pass as well as direct our paths.

The Psalms are full of different ways people put their trust in the
Lord: God will never abandon anyone who searches for Him: Psalms
9:10. Those who know your name trust in you, for you, O LORD, have
never abandoned anyone who searches for you.

My friends, on whom are you leaning or trusting? Who are you trusting
to see you through? Are you wise in your own eyes? Insisting upon
leaning unto your own understanding? Jesus Christ is our Solid Rock
Foundation; in whom we can find solace, in whom we can be fully

I want you to know the Lord is a 24/7 Deliverer. He WILL NEVER fail
you. He WILL NEVER forsake you. He WILL NEVER leave you alone. So my
final words to you are, trust, lean and rely totally upon the Lord.

As always, I am standing with each of you and praying for you daily.
I want to thank those who have been assisting me in this quest for the healing of marriages. Without your prayers and financial support, there is no way I would be able to encourage and minister to many. I thank God daily for your obedience and faithfulness.

This Ministry is 501(c)(3) certified by IRS and your gift is qualified for tax deductions. Thanks for your faithfulness.

Be encouraged
Pastor Doreen
2778 NW 193 Terr. Miami Gardens, FL 33056

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