Thursday 6 December 2012

[marriagerestoration] God's Plan Will Stand!! Dec. 6, 2012 - Doreen's Daily Delights


God's Plan Will Stand!!

Do you believe this? Yes, God's plan will not. Not your wayward spouse, or this other person, if there is one. It is God's plan that will stand.

I want to encourage each of you today. God know all about your
situation. God is in control and will honor your perseverance. Giving up and starting a new relationship will not solve your problem. You need to persevere and wait for healing and restoration. We all know the story of the prodigal son, and how that father never gave up on him. He kept waiting and watching until he received his son home safe. Then he rejoiced.

The one thing that is not obvious is the hurt that father went
through. I assure you that from the day that boy received his
inheritance and walked away until the day he returned home smelling
like a pig, that father's heart was in pain.

It is discouraging to deal with a spouse who is stubborn and
rebellious, but God doesn't want us to give up on them. It is painful
to have your spouse separating from you and serving you divorce papers
or living in an adulterous relationship, but you can't give up on

We rejoice in tribulations also, knowing that tribulations worketh
patience, and patience experience, and experience hope: and hope
maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our
hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us Romans 2:3-5.
Although we may start with a struggle, we know that we are working
toward healing and restoration.

One of the goals of Marriage Restoration Ministries is to reach out to
hurting people with words of life and peace. While trying to fulfill
this calling, I often have a number of hurts going on in my very own
life. The Lord showed me how I could help hurting people when I'm
hurting myself. The Lord revealed to me that if I wait until I was
trouble-free before I tried to help someone else, I would never get
anything done.

When we are really hurting, no person on earth can really understand
the inner fears that plague us. Our closest friends may try to
encourage us, but it only relieves us temporarily, if at all. Only
God can break through the depression and loneliness that weighs us
down. He alone can heal a bruised and broken heart. We suffer
silently until God steps in and gives perspective and stability. He
embraces us before we reach the breaking point.

He wraps His loving arms around us, and causes our hurting minds and
bodies to rise up on the wings of His divine protection. He bottles
up our tears (Psalms 56:8), and gives us beauty for ashes (Isaiah

In this life, we experience trials, pain, sadness and grief. At times
these things seem to overwhelm us. That's when we are tempted to give
up, throw in the towel and conclude that our situation is hopeless.

Discouragement is a universal problem. As Christians, we must deal
with discouragement without giving up. Even the most devout saint,
including pastors, can have inner wounds that are difficult to
overcome. Discouragement doesn't just happen. It has many causes.
Negative circumstances, loneliness, anger, guilt, frustration and
financial pressures are just a few of them.

God alone can bring about healing, and put the pieces back together
again. We need to stop trying to explain why we are hurting. Whether
it is right or wrong doesn't really change anything. All that matters
is that we not give up, that we maintain our willingness to move
forward in God and trust Him to work all things for our good
"...think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try
you, as though some strange thing happened to you: But rejoice,
inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when His
glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy."
(1 Peter 4:12,13).

Let's stop worrying about what went wrong. God is watching over you
with unwavering eyes. He feels every hurt and interprets every groan.
He knows how much we can bear, and would never overload our circuits.
God loves us eternally, therefore we can be sure that no weapon formed
against us shall prosper - Isaiah 58:17.

Remember, God's plan will stand in the end. Whatever plans your
spouse may be making, GOD PLAN WILL STAND. Believe this!!

I want to thank those who have been assisting me in this quest for the healing of marriages. Without your prayers and financial support, there is no way I would be able to encourage and minister to many. I thank God daily for your obedience and faithfulness.

This Ministry is 501(c)(3) certified by IRS and your gift is qualified for tax deductions. Thanks for your faithfulness.

Be encouraged
Pastor Doreen
2778 NW 193 Terr. Miami Gardens, FL 33056

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