Wednesday 14 November 2012

[marriagerestoration] Jesus the Resurrector!! Nov. 14, 2012 - Doreen's Daily Delights


Jesus The Resurrector

When Lazarus became critically ill, Martha and Mary sent word to
Jesus. They confessed that Lazarus was sick. They feared the worst –
that Lazarus was going to die.

Jesus responded, Jesus spoke, Jesus confessed that He believed in His
heart. Jesus declared to Lazarus' mountain (his sickness) these

"But when Jesus heard about it He said, "Lazarus's sickness will not
end in death. No, it is for the glory of God. I, the Son of God,
will receive glory from this." (John 11:4).

Do you have a sick marriage, or is your marriage dead? Are you
suffering from a "Lazarus marriage?" Do you think God is God enough
to resurrect your dead marriage? Is this a hard thing for God to do?

My friends, Jesus knew that God would be glorified regardless of the
situation. Jesus' response exemplifies that God will turn any bad
situation into good, (Genesis 50:20 and Romans 8:28) if we do not
doubt, faint, whine or complain. Jesus did not blame God, but saw
this as an opportunity to honor Him. It is very important for you to
see that Jesus was already giving God the praise for the end at the

What I am trying to bring across to you my friends is the fact that
God CANNOT lie. His words WILL NOT return to Him void. God's
promises hold true. He says He will supply all your needs. That
includes the healing and restoration of your marriage! He says you
should trust Him with all your heart and lean not unto your own
understanding . . . because God cannot lie, because His promises are
yea and amen, and because His words will not return to Him void.

You MUST BELIEVE, even if you can't see anything positive happening
in your situation; YOU MUST BELIEVE, even if you can't see or hear
anything positive happening in your situation; YOU MUST BELIEVE, even
if you are getting no positive feedback; YOU MUST BELIEVE, even if
you have no positive evidence of restoration; YOU MUST BELIEVE, YOU
MUST BELIEVE, YOU MUST BELIEVE that this sickness (situation) is NOT

It is obvious that Jesus believed His words. He knew Lazarus was
sick, yet He remained where He was. There was no need to rush.
There was no need to panic. He believed what He had confessed. He
believed that Lazarus was sick, however, that this sickness would not
cause Lazarus to die. Therefore, what appeared to be a delay, was
all in God's perfect timing; it was all part of God's plan. Jesus
was guided by God's directives, not by man's demands.

As far as the people knew all hope for Lazarus was gone. Lazarus
being dead for four days went against their arena of reason and what
they believed as their arena of faith. Jesus was frustrated,
displeased and angered by all the unbelief He was surrounded by. The
disciples, Martha, Mary and the rest of those gathered were weeping
unnecessarily. There was no need for all this grief, if they could
accept Him at His Word.

"Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was
laid. And Jesus lifted up His eyes, and said, Father, I thank thee
that thou hast heard Me. And I knew that thou hearest Me always, but
because of the people which stand by I said it, that they may believe
that thou hast sent Me. And when He thus had spoken, He cried with a
loud voice, "Lazarus, come forth." And he that was dead came forth,
bound hand and foot with grave clothes." (John 11:41-44).

Jesus NEVER wavered. Regardless of the natural circumstances,
regardless of the unbelief. Regardless of the consequences of
performing such a miracle, Jesus' word never wavered.

Finally, if and only if you apply every principle outlined in this
devotional without fail, there is not a situation, circumstance,
hindrance, trial or tribulation that your words can not deliver you
from. Why? As long as your heart believes it and your mouth
confesses that belief, your words will always be in line: THAT THIS

Be encouraged

Pastor Doreen
2778 NW 193 Terr. Miami, FL 33056

Please prayerfully consider supporting this ministry by planting a
financial seed so we can continue to help the hurting. Remember, God
is no man's debtor. In order to reap, we must sow. May God bless

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Telephone Counseling: Licensed Marriage Counselor. In addition to daily encouragement, I also offer telephone counseling in order to help support the Ministry. I do not charge a fee, but a donation to the Ministry would be appreciated.

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