Saturday 20 October 2012

[marriagerestoration] Truat God Regardless - Oct. 19, 2012 - Doreen's Daily Delights


This May Not Appear to Be Working For Your Good!!

The false evidence you may be seeing and hearing in your situation
may not appear to be working for your good, but the Lord wants you to
trust Him just the same and not lean on your own understanding.

God not only cares about your well-being but He wants to accomplish
His predetermined purpose in your life: "to be conformed to the image
of Christ" - Romans 8:29. God's Word states that He "performeth the
thing that is appointed for me" - Job 23:14. Your life may now be
difficult, even bordering on chaos, but God is able to take all the
pieces and assume firm control.

Your situation does not surprise God. He has it in His control. He
knows the exact number of the stars that dot the heavens and He even
knows each by name, therefore you can have assurance that God
completely understands what you are experiencing. "His understanding
is infinite." The details of your difficulties have not escaped God's

God "comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure"- Isaiah 40:12.
He knows the weight and circumference of every minute dust particle.
Surely, God fully understands the minute details of your life.

Don't be anxious. God wants you to cast all your worries and concerns
on Him because He cares for you. Jesus told His disciples: "The very
hairs of your head are all numbered"- Matthew 10:30. It is unlikely
that you have even thought about counting the hairs on your head, but
God cares enough about you to number each hair.

At this time nothing positive is happening in your situation. Your
spouse is coming against you. You are getting no support from
families, but God wants you to rely totally upon Him and trust Him to
work it all out. God alone can do this. He needs no assitance from
friends or family. Although is may not seem that way, man is not in
control, God is.

God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he
should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? Or hath he
spoken, and shall he not make it good? Numbers 23:19

Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the
things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I
will do all my pleasure: ...yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring
it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it.
Isaiah 46:10, 11

You must trust in God's grace and have faith in Jesus Christ as both
Savior and Lord of your life. As you trust Him, God will supply His
power for the trials of life. Spend some time now in God's Word,
faith comes "by hearing and hearing by the word of God" - Romans

As God's beloved child, you no longer need to face life's struggles
and trauma with your own natural strength, but through the strength
of God's loving power. "I can do all things through Christ which
strengtheneth me" - Philippians 4:13.

It may not seem that way, but God is working on your behalf. Continue
to trust Him.

I am standing in agreement with each of you and I pray for you daily.

Be encouraged
Pastor Doreen
2778 NW 193 Terr. Miami Gardens, FL 33056

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Telephone Counseling: Licensed Marriage Counselor. In addition to daily encouragement, I also offer telephone counseling in order to help support the Ministry. I do not charge a fee, but a donation to the Ministry would be appreciated.

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