Friday 12 October 2012

[marriagerestoration] DDD Oct 12th 2012 " Just Like David "


Like David, We Can Slay This Goliath

But what are we going to do to change this situation? . . .to come
face to face with our Goliath... to come face to face with those
mountains. . to come face to face with the Goliaths in our marriage?
What are we going to do? Not just to run away from them or to bury
them, but to wait for healing and restoration. To trust God, no
matter what. To be obedient while waiting, not to be like-minded as
your prodigals. When it comes right down to it, to take back that
which the devil has stolen from us, our marriages, to kill that
thought, that idea, that situation which is in our lives that stands
before us as Goliath stood before David?

Four things that you and I can do as well (I've talked about this
before. Four things that David did.

1. He called out this giant's name. He called him by name. He gave a
name to this enemy that stood in his path. And that's a critical
thing to do with those obstacles in our lives. Sometimes they are
only here in our lives at the level of emotion. We never fully speak
about the pain that we are going through, but how critical that is if
we are to deal with the obstacles and the giants in our lives.

You can begin to deal with it, so name your giant. Call it out by
name. "The Healing and Restoration of your Marriage." "Who is this
uncircumcised Philistine who defies the armies of Israel, the living
God?" And all of a sudden that giant shrinks down to size. A
critical thing for us to do, for you and me to do, as David did.

2. The next thing David did was to cast aside the naysayers. His
brothers spoke to him as only older children can do to their younger
siblings: they can put you down, tell you you can't do this, you
can't do that. And there are all kinds of people who will tell you
that you should get on with your life or file for a divorce
(Remember, Jesus was NEVER for divorce.). Be careful who you listen
to in the face of the naysayers around you and the giants you have to
face. We can do more than we think. Having Jesus on our side, we
can do all things. Also, we cannot lose. We are on the winning side.

3. Which leads to the third thing that David did. He created
comparisons. Comparisons by which to compare this unique situation
that he had to deal with, to compare it with other situations he had
dealt with in his past. "I killed lions. I protected my sheep. I've
dealt with the bears. It's not quite like Goliath, but it's close
enough to know that I can do it again." Close enough to know that we
can do it again. He used his mind to take this situation and say, "I
can get this far. Maybe I can get the whole way." I am not giving

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Be encouraged

Pastor Doreen

2778 NW 193 Terr. Miami Gardens, FL 33056

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Telephone Counseling: Licensed Marriage Counselor. In addition to daily encouragement, I also offer telephone counseling in order to help support the Ministry. I do not charge a fee, but a donation to the Ministry would be appreciated.

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