Friday, 20 January 2012

[entrepreneurs] Conference Apprenticeship: For people who love live events


SendOutCards just made a major announcement last week.

They are now encouraging everyone to host local events.

There are currently HARDLY ANY local events in MOST of
the states in America...

And NONE in some of the COUNTRIES.

So we are including additional training for how to host your
own local meetings in our Conference Apprenticeship.

This specialized training is only open to a few people who
will meet with me twice a month for a year to learn how to
host live events.

Plus this select group will also work behind the scenes at our
Home Business Conference in Huntsville, Alabama the first
weekend in August to get practical experience.

If you are interested, watch this video.

No, it's not short.

It's comprehensive.

If you are making an investment in your education, you want to
know all the details. Right?

If you are interested, email me and we can talk on the phone
to see if this thing is right for you or not.

Watch the video first, then email me.

If you understand how big the opportunity is to start the local
SOC meetings in your area, you won't pass this one up.

The company also made it cheaper to join.

If you're interested in hosting local meetings in your
town, hit Reply and let's talk.

A few people are going to change some lives and make
some serious money because of these changes in the
next few years.

It should be you!

Let's talk soon.

So many books, so little time...

who believes live events are divine appointments

Learn more about our conference apprenticeship

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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