Sunday 16 November 2014

[marriagerestoration] Digest: You Will Be Delivered!!

My friends, the Lord never said we wouldn't have trials and tribulations, but He did say that He would deliver us out of them ALL. "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivereth him out of them all!" (Psalm 34:19)

Naturally, we usually wonder why these bad things are happening to our marriages, but God always has a reason, and I believe nothing happens by accident to one of His children.

I have found in my own life, and that of many others, that He always has a purpose for them, although it is not always revealed immediately.

Psalm 34:4 says, "I sought the Lord, and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears."

Jeremiah was lowered into a pit. He hadn't done anything but be faithful to God and yet here
he was being lowered into a pit. Jeremiah 38:6 "So the officials took Jeremiah from his cell and lowered him by ropes into an empty cistern in the prison yard….There was no water in the cistern, but there was a thick layer of mud at the bottom, and Jeremiah sank down into it."

When Jeremiah was in the pit, there was someone used of God to intercede for Jeremiah. You have someone interceding for you! Jeremiah was taken out of the pit and God wants to take you out of the pit. God wants to deliver you.

Let us pray and believe the Lord for deliverance. Prayer is powerful! When we pray, things will happen and things will be different. God will answer prayer. But God said to Israel one time that bad things were happening because, "No man stirreth himself to call upon Me." (Isaiah 64:7).

But if you're really desperate and crying with your whole heart and asking Him, He'll answer! He says, "Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart."

(Jeremiah 29:13) And "Call unto Me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." (Jeremiah 33:3).

Just like Jeremiah, God has those that are interceding for you. Jesus is for sure and that alone should be enough for any of us to exercise our faith and draw strength in God's promise of deliverance from.

Remember that I am interceding for you and remember that He not only wants to deliver you, put as Psalm 27:5 says, He wants to bring you to a steady and safe and blessed place – upon the rock and promise of His Word and His blessing. "For the Lord will conceal me there when troubles come; He will hide me in his sanctuary. He will place me out of reach on a high rock."

Know today that whatever you are going through, if you are trusting and believing the Lord, YOU WILL BE DELIVERED.

Be encouraged

Pastor Doreen
2778 NW 193 Terr. Miami, FL 33056

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